Claire Owens

Claire Owens

Claire Owens

Claire Owens

Claire is a qualified DBT and RO-DBT therapist and Psychodynamic Counsellor and works with both individuals and groups. She trained in Psychodynamic Counselling at Brighton University and Group Psychotherapy with the IGA (Institute of Group Analysis).

She is a trauma informed practitioner and is trained in Brainspotting, a brain-body trauma processing treatment deriving from EMDR.

She qualified in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) with the Linehan Institute approved training organisation, The British Isles DBT Training.

She is currently training in Radically Open Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (RO-DBT) and has passed the Level 1 Training with the Founder Thomas Lynch. She is currently training for Level 2.

She is experienced in working with both conditions of emotional ‘under-control’ (BPD/EUPD/Bipolar Disorder) and ‘over-control’ (OCD, ASD/Neurodiversity, Eating Disorders, Chronic Depression, Maladaptive Perfectionism Treatment Resistant Anxiety). DBT and RO-DBT are trans-diagnostic approaches that target the above conditions

In her spare time, Claire loves to swim and cycle and her interests include film, music and charity shopping!

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